Page name: rats unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-03 07:21:23
Last author: Demon Epona
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Rats Unite
This wiki is for all the rat lovers out though….you don’t have to have a rat to join….actually you can have any kind of rodent. Anyway come join!

You can make your own badge if you want to…it’s all welcome.

Rat Sayings
“Comparing a domestic rat to a wild rat is like comparing a poodle to a wolf.”
“rats are like potato chips…you can’t have just one.”

If you were on here before sorry but someone had to destroy this wiki so just add yourself again…thanks
[*oi!*]-founder…I have 6 rats and 5 mice at the moment…Lucy, Meitte, Jack, Tucker, Honey and Emo. And I never really named the mice but 2 of them are wild. I caught them in the house.
[Rattie] - woooooooooooo....RATS rule!!...i LOVE them!!<3<3
[over stimulated kittie] - I used to have 16 rats. All white with red eyes. They were pretty...
[bac787] I love my Socrates! 
[Static Lullaby] I use to have 20 rats where I lived before, Then I had 16 here before we gave two away and now I have 14 and we're thinking of breeding them xD
[Calypso22] i love my baby--my rat--Calypso :)
[spongemonkey] sooo many rodents, soooo mannyyy...
[none0000] omg my rat is soo cute and i love her dearly!!
[Arethusa] just caught a mouse in my house!(named it Master P) lol and have had rodents all my life
[Lhung Eruva] I hate how people say they hate rats but I love them
Some great websites to check out about rats -has everything you need to know about rats

pet rat pictures-this is where you can post pics of your rats. We’d love to see them
missed rats-dedicated to all those rats that have past away and are very missed

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2004-07-13 [Mackenzie]: cake.

2004-07-13 [Calypso22]: cake? i like cake

2004-07-13 [Mackenzie]: bye.

2004-07-13 [bac787]: lol

2004-07-13 [Mackenzie]: hi!

2004-07-13 [Calypso22]: umm hi

2004-07-13 [deleted, gone]: i want 2 make some cake, i wonder if rats like cake?

2004-07-14 [Mackenzie]: no...

2004-07-14 [bac787]: They would like it, but they shouldn't have much flour...

2004-07-14 [Calypso22]: yea rats will like most anything....

2004-07-14 [Mackenzie]: mhm

2004-07-14 [deleted, gone]: lol yeah they do

2004-07-15 [spongemonkey]: once my rat ate my insence. that pissed me off.

2004-07-15 [deleted, gone]: <0.0>  WHAT!!! crazzzzzzzzzyniess!!!!!!!

2004-07-15 [spongemonkey]: yeah, whats even worse, was it was off of my alter >.<

2004-07-15 [deleted, gone]: oh dear.........

2004-07-15 [spongemonkey]: yeah, needless to say I was mad. (it was frickin expensive!!)

2004-07-15 [deleted, gone]: i bet, what religion are you?

2004-07-15 [spongemonkey]: I'm a witch.

2004-07-15 [deleted, gone]: wiccan?

2004-07-15 [*oi!*]: hey guys...I'm getting in on the conversation....yeah my rats onces dragged oreo's all over my room....but didn't eat them just left them for my dogs to get lol and then they would eat any candy laying around anything they could get their paws on

2004-07-15 [deleted, gone]: lol thats rather odd.........not licking oresos! ahhh blasphemy!

2004-07-16 [Mackenzie]: hmmmm odd. I made lego houses for my rats.... I dont think they liked em. And anyone play "Magic the gathering" (card game.... yu gi oh copied it)? My rats chewed up the cards like crazy. or was that my cokateils.... *thinks*

2004-07-16 [Calypso22]: my rat crawls around on my desk eating anything there... mainly gum that hasnt even been unwrapped.... oy

2004-07-16 [bac787]: Galahad has chewed holes in a sweater... He tries to pull stuff into the cage. Socrates found a packing peanut and hauled tail one time.

2004-07-16 [Calypso22]: ooo my rat pulls stuff into her cage too which was really bad cuz for a while my bulletin board was behind her cage... she at one of my cards or somethin...

2004-07-16 [Mackenzie]: oh... I learned not to do that

2004-07-16 [Calypso22]: yea i figured that out too.... i just forgot about my buletin board bein there lol, i soon moved it

2004-07-16 [Mackenzie]: haha

2004-07-16 [*oi!*]: my rat lucy has an obssestion of chewing clothes all of a sudden! she ruined a pair of my bfs jeans lol it was pretty funny though

2004-07-16 [*oi!*]: oh yeah and all of my rats have an obssestion with posters and ripping them up

2004-07-17 [Mackenzie]: I actually dont have rats anymore, I just used to.

2004-07-17 [bac787]: Aww... You should get more :)

2004-07-17 [*oi!*]: yeah you should

2004-07-17 [*oi!*]: hey do you guys think I should breed 2 of my rats? if you look at the pic on the pic page it would be that boy right in front and if you can see the girl it would be the hooded one with the black spot....their in the pic with lady and all the rats on her shoulder

2004-07-17 [*oi!*]: i just looked at the pic and she would be the one underneath kumiko...the light coloered one not the one looking up way in the back

2004-07-17 [bac787]: I would want to keep them all... and they can have up to 20 at times.

2004-07-18 [Mackenzie]: um, yeah, I used to breed mine.... well we had babies around anyways, I don't know how intentional.... but they are sooo cute.

2004-07-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: hi can i join?????????

2004-07-19 [bac787]: just add your name

2004-07-19 [*oi!*]: yeah you can join serelde....but yeah I know some people that might take them if I breed them....thats my only's kinda hard to find homes even though last time it wasn't but that time I only had 6 and I kept 2 so really only 4

2004-07-20 [bac787]: ahh... well I wouldn't unless I had people that would take in at least 10...

2004-07-20 [*oi!*]: I'll have to think about it.....I'll ask around see if people would take them if I did

2004-07-21 [deleted, gone]: lol mack i play magic sorry aboout yor loss! lol

2004-07-21 [*oi!*]: laura what are you talking about?

2004-07-22 [deleted, gone]: lol macks rats or birds ate thier cards

2004-07-22 [*oi!*]: um okay lol

2004-07-23 [bac787]: That sucks... my brother plays... he would be pissed...

2004-07-23 [bac787]: My brother would cry if his were lost... lol

2004-07-23 [deleted, gone]: lol i played maybe 3 xs with my x toms a huge fan

2004-07-25 [spongemonkey]: hallo!!

2004-07-26 [*oi!*]: hey!

2004-07-26 [spongemonkey]: lets take england!!!!

2004-07-27 [*oi!*]: what? lol

2004-07-27 [spongemonkey]: lets take over the capital!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-07-27 [*oi!*]: lol alright

2004-07-28 [spongemonkey]: yay!!

2004-07-29 [Calypso22]: sounds fun to me!

2004-07-29 [*oi!*]: everyone go check your rats teeth!'s could save your rats life....if they are too long you need to get them trimmed...a very close friend just lost her rat because of overgrown teeth and I did a couple months may not even notice till it's too late.....go to this website for further information and if you don't want to cut them take them to a vet...they will

2004-07-29 [Calypso22]: thankyou, and i know i have heard about that and so i make sure my rat has stuff to gnaw on and dull down her teeth

2004-07-29 [*oi!*]: sometimes though they wont chew on the things you gve one of my boys

2004-07-29 [Calypso22]: yea i had a rat like that but sadly she died before that ever bacame a promlem *sniffle*

2004-07-29 [*oi!*]: oh how did she die?

2004-07-29 [deleted, gone]: oh poor thing

2004-07-29 [spongemonkey]: *pat pat* there there,

2004-08-14 [Calypso22]: thankyou, im not sure, it was terrible cuz she died while i was on vacation

2004-08-14 [deleted, gone]: I GOT A RAT TODAY!!!!!!!!!! MY 1ST ONE! YEAHY nikki helped me pick it out, shes tan. her name is adriana. shes living with ndc for now till i can convince my parents to let me have her. lol

2004-08-15 [Mackenzie]: cool

2004-08-16 [Calypso22]: yayy for rats

2004-08-17 [deleted, gone]: ill put up a pic as soon as nikki takes one for me

2004-08-22 [spongemonkey]: ohhh!!! my piccy of tommy!!!

2004-08-23 [deleted, gone]: awww its so cute! i love tommy!!! ahhhh flashbacks! badd lol

2004-08-30 [deleted, gone]: <img:>  <img:> look!

2004-08-30 [Atos]: one of my ratses died... sniff...

2004-08-30 [deleted, gone]: my adriana's up in the pics!  oh hun im sorry : (

2004-08-31 [Snowflame]: aww.....

2004-08-31 [*oi!*]: lol

2004-08-31 [Snowflame]: ????

2004-09-01 [spongemonkey]: wtf about that was funny?!?!?!?

2004-09-02 [Snowflame]: *stares at ndcpunker*O.o

2004-09-02 [*oi!*]: what?

2004-09-02 [Snowflame]: what were you laughing at?

2004-09-02 [spongemonkey]: YEAH?!?!

2004-09-03 [*oi!*]: just laughing....maybe I was happy I don't remember

2004-09-03 [deleted, gone]: lol probabaly the fact that we use to know a guy by the name of your rat

2004-09-03 [Snowflame]: aww^^

2004-09-04 [deleted, gone]: lollololll i dated him for on + off 4 yrs

2004-09-04 [Snowflame]: lmao

2004-09-04 [deleted, gone]: so hows life?

2004-09-04 [Snowflame]: *scratch scratch*stupid miges....I good

2004-09-04 [*oi!*]: and no more on right crayon? it's been on and off for good now I hope lol

2004-09-05 [spongemonkey]: ?¿?¿?¿

2004-09-06 [*oi!*]: I got to meet a girl from japan today and I asked her if i was pernosing my rat kumiko's name right cause it japaniese and i was!! i was so proud of myself lol and when she said it she said it with no acsent either it was cool. sorry had to tell you guys lol

2004-09-06 [Snowflame]: lol

2004-09-08 [deleted, gone]: thats neat nikki! they r cute,  about the ques......only if alot of things changed........actually now im thinking and rather b alone than with u know who lol.   i got a job!!!! that means i can have my baby back soon!!!

2004-09-08 [Lizzy Bane]: i love rats! or any rodents for that matter! i only have 1 right now but i want more =) can i please join?

2004-09-12 [*oi!*]: yeah you can join

2004-09-15 [deleted, gone]: yeahy! so when can i have my baby back? thank u so much for taking care of her! i have sad news all my mom killed my hampster

2004-09-15 [Snowflame]: o.o

2004-09-15 [deleted, gone]: how could she forget to feed her? grr

2004-09-15 [*oi!*]: you can have her back when you want her back...she'll be waiting for you! lol....hey I found 2 baby mice in my house and I caught was really weird cause one of them just crawled up to me and never ran away

2004-09-16 [deleted, gone]: aww keeping them? thats cute! do u think i could have her this weekend or are you going on a trip ? lol

2004-09-19 [*oi!*]: lol no but I am going to mystic tomorrow...did your dad say you could keep her there?

2004-09-19 [deleted, gone]: lol im going to put her @ my moms for 1 day.........then say dad! i cant keep her here! she'll kill her , so ill get her home then

2004-09-20 [spongemonkey]: ohh, thats sad.

2004-09-21 [*oi!*]: did your mom say you could have her?...yeah if you keep her at your moms if she's not feeding her I'll take her back lol

2004-09-23 [deleted, gone]: thank yuo for bringing me my baby!!!!!  sooooooo happy!

2004-10-08 [spongemonkey]: sooo...lost...

2004-10-08 [*oi!*]: lol no ones been talking

2004-10-09 [Kiarrahka]: Me: "Rats! here! My Mommy was bad, so we have to make my mommy pay. Wanna help me? Good.. See keys? Go get keys.. bring me back keys.." *Little rat attack force of mine, sends 2 pups out, pups bring me keys, takes the keys, kisses the keybringers and sets them down* "good little ones, what should we go get next?"

2004-10-09 [deleted, gone]: ?????now i am lost as well

2004-10-12 [spongemonkey]:!!!!!

2004-10-12 [Calypso22]: oogo booga! heh im losted toooo but its all good lol

2004-10-13 [deleted, gone]: lol odd lil chillin

2004-10-17 [spongemonkey]: WOot!!!!

2004-10-18 [Snowflame]: ^^

2004-10-21 [*oi!*]: my rat kumiko died :(

2004-10-21 [Snowflame]: aaauw!!!

2004-10-21 [*oi!*]: she was my dumbo rat and my mommy rat...I still have 2 of her babies though

2004-11-05 [spongemonkey]: well at least you still have the memory of her *huggles*

2004-11-05 [*oi!*]: i do and thank you *hugs back*

2004-11-05 [Snowflame]: ^^

2004-11-06 [Lidda_Flourhert]: The other day, my mom came home with a rat that they were about to put to sleep at the SPCA. Ever since, I've loved my rat.

2004-11-06 [Snowflame]: aww

2004-11-07 [*oi!*]: I adopted to rats from the humane society...their 2 of the best rats

2004-11-07 [Snowflame]: what are they named?

2004-11-07 [Lidda_Flourhert]: That's the best way to get rats, cause they usually are on the block to be euthanized.

2004-11-09 [Lidda_Flourhert]: Latest author: [joint poop]

2004-11-09 [*oi!*]: what the crap!!! I hate people sometimes...I'll fix the page..if anyone wants to help it would be great lol

2004-11-09 [Lidda_Flourhert]: Well...since we knew the guy who did it...couldn't we report him?

2004-11-09 [*oi!*]: his page says that the guards already blocked his page and stuff like that so it wouldn't really matter I don't think

2004-11-09 [Lidda_Flourhert]: Oh, good point. Well, I'd help with rebuilding this page...but I'm pretty stupid when it comes to this kind of stuff.

2004-11-09 [Lidda_Flourhert]: "If you need help restoring a wiki he demolished, you may message any of the Guards or Wiki Bosses to help you."

2004-11-09 [*oi!*]: oh really? I didn't know they have the originals or they just kinda help?

2004-11-09 [Lidda_Flourhert]: It said that they had previous copies or something.

2004-11-09 [*oi!*]: did you talk to them or do i need to talk to them?

2004-11-13 [spongemonkey]: is it safe to let large rodents run around a moving car?

2004-11-13 [Lidda_Flourhert]: I let my rat sit shotgun in my car once....made my sister sit in the back. My rat definately pissed & stuff on the seat though.

2004-11-13 [spongemonkey]: iky!!

2004-11-13 [*oi!*]: it's not smart cause they could get lost or get stuck under the seats. but my rat have riden on my shoulder while I've been driving before and I've let them come out of their cage but i'd watch them.

2004-11-17 [spongemonkey]: right-o!!!

2004-11-26 [*oi!*]: okay I almost got it fixed...anyone have any suggestions to make it better?

2004-12-02 [spongemonkey]: alright

2004-12-20 [over stimulated kittie]: I joined :)

2005-01-01 [spongemonkey]: wheeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!

2005-01-13 [*oi!*]: hey guys...I lost another rat...but it was my mean one

2005-01-13 [spongemonkey]: ohhh, *huggles* thats meh-ish.

2005-01-16 [*oi!*]: it's okay...I want another pregnant rat but my mom wont let me

2005-01-19 [bac787]: Hi guys! I have a job now, so I'm not on much. I still have Socrates, and whatever is wrong with him (his head tilt thing), is starting to get better.

2005-01-26 [*oi!*]: thats too thats why I'm not on as much too...where did you get a job?

2005-02-23 [deleted, gone]: your mom wont let you??? lol wonder why.....cause u have to many as it is!!!!!! lol. if u want another though i have one for you

2005-02-23 [*oi!*]: how come crayon? and by the way I got 2 more rats lol I'm up to 7 don't like your rat anymore!?

2005-03-15 [spongemonkey]: pickle!!!!

2005-03-16 [*oi!*]: cucumber!!

2005-03-17 [spongemonkey]: kumquat!!!

2005-03-19 [deleted, gone]: which of these is not like the other blah blah blah which of these dosnt belong sing sing.  nonononono i like her i dodododododo i do she is jsut being pestered by the kitten and i dont know what to do she keeps jumping in the cage lol. i dunno

2005-03-22 [*oi!*]: where did you get a kitten and it wouldn't be any better her cause I have 2 kittens lol

2005-04-07 [deleted, gone]: lol wow my last message is rather odd....i got heather's old kitten. ..................guess what getting married ; )

2005-04-12 [*oi!*]: um alright lol congrats

2005-04-27 [deleted, gone]: jeffy Perez! lol......well at least when we are 40yrs old if we are not allready married. lol. so we wont be old maids lol. hehehe

2005-04-28 [*oi!*]: lol okay crayon

2005-05-17 [spongemonkey]: I do belive it is time for some nudity

2005-05-18 [Calypso22]: o dear.... hey guys, my rat frequently has blood around her eyes, does anybody know why?????? it makes me sad, i hope shes ok

2005-05-18 [*oi!*]: it's okay to have a little but it probably means she has an upper respatory problem...just keep the cage clean and she'll be fine

2005-05-22 [Calypso22]: ok thx bunches

2005-05-24 [*oi!*]: no prob...the best website about rats is can find anything you need to know about rats there

2005-05-24 [Calypso22]: cool ill keep that in mind

2005-05-29 [spongemonkey]: this is awful. some how while I was off at school, my mouse moshiki became MORBIDLY obeace. really huge nearly half a pound *cries* she can't even move anymore!!!!!!!

2005-05-30 [*oi!*]: how did that happen?! maybe she are some of her shavings?

2005-05-30 [spongemonkey]: god, I don't know. but I feel terrrible about it.

2005-05-30 [*oi!*]: is she still really big?

2005-05-30 [spongemonkey]: yeah, I had to seperat her from seriphim (the other mouse) and I have to feed her those little hard weight-loss pellets that mice hate. ;__: I feel like an ass.

2005-05-30 [*oi!*]: how come you feel like an ass it's not really your fault

2005-05-30 [spongemonkey]: I know, but still I feel horrible making the little mousey live alone and eat crap. ._.

2005-06-08 [Calypso22]: that bites.... i feel really bad cuz our ac broke an my poor lil rat is lyin there so pathetically cuz its so damn hot..... she looks awful : ( .... i hope our ac gets fixed soon....

2005-06-08 [*oi!*]: freeze a water bottle and put it in her cage with her....or make kool-aid ice cubes for her to'll keep her cool

2005-06-08 [*oi!*]: actually I think I'm gunna make some ice cubes for mine right now lol

2005-06-09 [Calypso22]: hehe ooh sounds like a good idea.... i think its gettin fixed soon! which is good for her and for me!! its bloody hot in here!

2005-06-09 [spongemonkey]: oooh, poor you!! :(

2005-06-15 [Calypso22]: ITS FIXED NOW!! yayyyy!!!!!!! my rat and r both much happier now ^-^

2005-06-15 [spongemonkey]: I bet!!! that had to SERIOUSLY suck.

2005-06-16 [*oi!*]: lol thats good

2005-06-16 [Calypso22]: seriously! it was like 90 degrees (F) here!!

2005-06-16 [deleted, gone]: wow nikki you know alot about that stuff. pretty cool. ill have to do the sam efor Adriana caus eshes not dealing well with the heat

2005-06-16 [*oi!*]: yeah you should...I read lots of books about rats and I find out a lot online too....I gave you one of my books did you read it yet?

2005-06-23 [deleted, gone]: lol moved and got packed....have to get it out

2005-06-23 [Calypso22]: oh dear..... last night i got back from canada and i checked on my rat and she was fine so i was doin stuff in the kitchen when i saw her waddlin accross the floor..... she apparently escaped from her cage, jumped off my dresser, and went from my room to the kitchen.... i'm just glad i got to her before my dog or either of my cats did.... i've put a heavy book on top of her cage now...

2005-06-24 [spongemonkey]: O.o how? it it a wire cage? I've had problems with those before...

2005-06-25 [*oi!*]: Crayon...where did you dad move to?

2005-06-28 [Calypso22]: yes, its a 3 level wire cage

2005-06-29 [deleted, gone]: in with my grandma they r adding on to the house

2005-06-30 [*oi!*]: oooh okay

2005-07-04 [deleted, gone]: blahhhhh im so sleepy nikki.  hey since i doubt lew going camping can i bring someone else?

2006-01-29 [Calypso22]: Requiescat In Pacem---Calypso the rat---forever loved, and eternally missed

2006-08-03 [Lhung Eruva]: draumr du dragon is inviting new members please take a look. you must be a dragon lover!!!

2006-08-26 [deleted, gone]: wow its been a year since i have been i gues smyspace won over

2006-08-26 [Lhung Eruva]: oh really??

2006-09-02 [*oi!*]: oi oi...I love my ratty's

2006-09-02 [Lhung Eruva]: oh I know I like rats too

2008-09-08 [Possesed.Chicken]: =D A wiki for rat lovers! Thats super duper!! Ive had a lot of rats for the past 2, almost 3 years. I have 2 now, both girls, named Mario & Luigi! They're SOOO CUTE!

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